how to play music on a zoom call

how to play music on a zoom call

How should one balance the aesthetic appeal of playing music during a video call with the practical considerations of ensuring the audio quality is clear and not disruptive to others?

How to Play Music on a Zoom Call

When it comes to hosting a Zoom call, many participants aim to enhance the experience by incorporating background music. This can create a more engaging atmosphere, allowing for a sense of relaxation and enjoyment during meetings. However, the implementation of such a practice requires careful consideration to ensure that the music remains a positive addition rather than an unwelcome distraction.

1. Choosing the Right Music

The first step in playing music on a Zoom call is selecting appropriate music that aligns with the theme or purpose of your meeting. For example, if you are having a work-related discussion, classical or instrumental music might be more suitable to maintain focus. On the other hand, light, upbeat music can be used for social gatherings or team-building sessions to foster a more relaxed and enjoyable environment. It is crucial to consider the audience’s preferences as well; some individuals may appreciate a specific genre or artist, so being mindful of these preferences can help tailor the music selection to meet everyone’s expectations.

2. Volume Control

Another critical aspect of playing music on a Zoom call is managing the volume levels. Ensuring that the music is not too loud is essential to prevent it from overpowering the speaker’s voice, which could lead to technical difficulties and potential complaints from other participants. Adjusting the volume settings on your device can help achieve a balanced level where the music is clearly audible but does not overshadow the conversation. Additionally, using headphones can provide better control over the volume and minimize any echo or feedback that might occur through speakers.

3. Background Noise Considerations

Playing music can sometimes introduce unwanted background noise, especially if there are multiple people in the room or if the venue has natural sounds like traffic or birds chirping. To mitigate these issues, it is advisable to choose music with minimal ambient sounds or to play it at a lower volume. If possible, setting up the call in a quieter space or using noise-cancelling headphones can also help reduce background disturbances.

4. Technical Requirements

From a technical standpoint, playing music on a Zoom call involves ensuring that your device is compatible with the software and that the audio settings are configured correctly. Familiarizing yourself with Zoom’s audio controls and troubleshooting tips can assist in addressing any technical issues that may arise. For instance, enabling the “Speaker” option ensures that only the host’s microphone is active during the call, preventing the music from interfering with the conversation.

5. Cultural Sensitivity

Lastly, it is important to consider cultural sensitivities when choosing music for a Zoom call. Different cultures have varying musical tastes and norms regarding the use of music in professional settings. Some cultures may find certain types of music inappropriate or disrespectful, so being culturally aware can help avoid any unintentional offense. Researching the cultural norms of your audience or seeking their input can provide valuable insights into what type of music would be most appropriate and appreciated.

In conclusion, playing music on a Zoom call can enhance the overall experience, but it requires thoughtful planning and execution. By carefully selecting the right music, controlling the volume levels, considering background noise, addressing technical requirements, and being culturally sensitive, you can ensure that the music adds value to your meeting without causing disruptions or discomfort to others.


Q: 如何选择适合Zoom会议的背景音乐? A: 选择背景音乐时,应考虑音乐的风格是否与会议主题相符。例如,工作相关的讨论适合古典或器乐曲目,而社交活动则可以选用轻松愉快的音乐。同时,了解参会者的音乐偏好也很重要。

Q: 在Zoom会议中播放音乐时,如何控制音量? A: 控制音量是关键。确保音乐不过分响亮,以免掩盖发言人的声音,影响对话质量。可以通过调整设备音量或使用耳机来实现这一目标。

Q: 如何处理Zoom会议中的背景噪音问题? A: 可以选择背景噪音较少的音乐,或者将音量调低。如果可能的话,在安静的环境中召开会议,或者使用降噪耳机,可以帮助减少这些干扰。

Q: 如何在Zoom会议中正确设置音频? A: 确保设备兼容Zoom软件,并正确配置音频设置。熟悉Zoom的音频控制选项和常见问题解决方法有助于处理任何技术故障。

Q: 如何考虑到文化因素选择背景音乐? A: 考虑到不同文化对音乐的接受度差异,选择合适的背景音乐至关重要。了解并尊重文化禁忌,可以避免无意冒犯他人。如果有机会,可以征求参会者的意见。